Company Profile
Drumgrange Ltd is an independent UK defence contractor specialising in the design, development, integration and through-life support of military systems with broad capabilities in Underwater Systems, Communications and Information Systems, VLF Communications, Geospatial & Temporal Referencing (G&TR), Boat and Vehicle Systems Integration, Training & Simulation and RF Products. In addition to its bespoke services, Drumgrange has a growing range of specialist products, including a family of Acoustic Hailing Devices, Diamond Intercom and Radio Combiner System and Generic ComSim, an RF simulator for training and testing.
Drumgrange products are in service with the UK Armed Forces at home and overseas, NATO Forces and Foreign Militaries. The company has achieved an enviable reputation for rapid, cost-effective realisation of innovative technological solutions to suit demanding applications, for the quality of its products and, most importantly, for delivering solutions and services on time, to specification and customer’s satisfaction.
Areas of Expertise
Drumgrange maintains the following core capabilities and expertise within the Company:
- Prime contract management
- System engineering, system integration and platform integration
- Design and development
- Electronic hardware and PCB design
- Software and embedded software development
- Mechanical design (AutoCAD and Inventor)
- Simulation and modelling (Matlab and Simulink)
- Documentation and Technical Publications Authoring
- Safety Management, Safety Case Production and Independent Safety Advisor
In addition, Drumgrange provides a large range of in-service support:
- Integrated Logistics Support (ILS)
- Contract Logistics Support (CLS) and Contracting for Availability (CFA)
- Post Design Services (PDS)
- Obsolescence Management and Resolution
The Company is located in the UK, with sites at Chertsey, Surrey and Portland, Dorset. The Chertsey site is the Head Office and principally responsible for system engineering and product development with facilities that include product, test & prototyping labs, computer modelling capabilities, a screened EMC test facility and an environmental test chamber for informal testing.
The Portland site principally responsible for post design services (PDS), in-service Support and platform integration and includes specialised facilities such as a 20 Tonne overhead crane.
