Export Control
George Howe, Managing Director of Drumgrange, stated:
"Export controls imposed by the UK Government and the European Community affect a proportion of the products we sell and many of our potential overseas markets.
As a company we must therefore understand the controls and be quite sure we comply with them. The purpose of these controls is to limit the supply of technology or strategic goods to countries proscribed, principally for reasons of proliferation, security or terrorism. It is in the interest of all that the controls are effective. For our business it is essential that we comply with the legislation: failure to do so would bring serious penalties for the company and for the individuals concerned.
Tanya Price is the person with overall responsibility within the company for export control matters and she regularly reviews the effectiveness of our current procedures in light of the Export Control Joint Unit's Code of Practice to which we must adhere. Each member of the company is aware of their role in ensuring that no items are despatched (remembering that this term now covers the transmission of software or technology by fax, telephone or other electronic media and arranging to move goods between third countries) without due clearance and authorisation."