Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is issued on behalf of Drumgrange Limited. As an SME with a turnover of less than £36M per annum, we are not legally required to make a formal statement but as the company is fully committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act of 2015, the following statement has been prepared to demonstrate our current activities and plans to expand and improve governance of our supply chain.


Our Structure

Drumgrange Ltd is an independent UK Defence contractor who has two sites of operation. The Chertsey site is the Head Office, which predominately focuses on system design, whilst the Portland site primarily concentrates on the installation and in-service support processes.


Our Business

The company specialises in the development, manufacture, integration and through life support of our products and capabilities within the military maritime and land domains. Most of our business operations are within the UK, but some are conducted abroad including the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan and Europe. Our supply chain comprises mainly of contractors and suppliers, operating both in the UK and overseas.

The company is accredited to ISO9001 and TickITplus Quality Management Systems and is working towards accreditation to ISO14001 Environmental Management.



One of Drumgrange’s core values is to uphold sound, responsible and fair business operations. We are committed to promoting and maintaining the highest possible ethical standards in relation to all of our business activities.

As an SME, Drumgrange has limited resources to wholly guarantee that our supply chain is completely free of modern slavery. However, we have procedures and policies (outlined in our Company Manual (DG-000-D-000)) in place to help mitigate modern slavery as far as possible, and to ensure human rights are respected by both our employees and third parties within our supply chain.

The Risk Issue and Opportunities Management Procedure describes an effective risk management programme across all areas of the business. This will help to identify risk and the implement the most effective action to help address the issue.

As stated in our policies, all procurement activities are conducted seriously, fairly and objectively whilst ensuring that suppliers comply with legal requirements (including financial, health & safety, human rights and labour standards, employment laws and GDPR).


Due Diligence

Drumgrange will ensure compliance, where wholly possible, towards modern slavery within the UK and in any country where the company may conduct its business, or in relation to which the business is connected. We actively encourage due diligence to recognise, prevent, avoid and report any wrongdoings.

Contractors and third-party contacts within our supply chain are recognised, approved and continually audited within our internal purchasing requisition system. All employees are informed of potential irregularities to look for, based on our Procurement Policy (DG-000-D-505) to identify counterfeit, bribery and human right act violations, including modern slavery, and mitigate the risk within our supply chain to an acceptable level. We actively encourage staff to speak up if they discover any of the above variances so that we can act efficiently. It is the responsibility of both employees and those involved within the supply chain to adhere to the same principles to ensure all policies, regulatory and statuary obligations are complied with.

Drumgrange has continued its subscription to the Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register (JOSCAR) which acts as a screening process for new suppliers, further eliminating the potential risk of modern slavery.
Drumgrange has established secure communication channels so that any risks can be resolved properly and effectively. We encourage all employees and associated persons to be vigilant and to report any concerns for further investigations.


Responsibility and Training

Drumgrange aims to raise further awareness to modern slavery and its role within the company, through induction and refresher training for all employees, ensuring all policy and procedures are effectively communicated to, and understood by, all relevant personnel.

This will ensure all employees are aware of the issue and can identify how to correctly respond through appropriate communication channels.

This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of Drumgrange Limited on 24/02/2023.