Software Development
Drumgrange has extensive experience of software development including complex real time systems, communications systems, networking technology, operator displays, training and simulation, data acquisition and signal processing systems. We work to rigorous defence standards for requirements analysis, traceability, design, implementation, testing, integration and documentation using structured software development methodologies and lifecycles.
Our software engineers use tools such as Doors, UML and Yourdon for requirements management and preparing design specifications. We have coding expertise in:
- MS Windows (NT, XP, 200x, 7, 10, embedded,)
- MS Windows Server 2008 onwards
- Unix
- Linux
- C, GNU C++, Visual C++, C#, Python
- TCP/IP, X.21 and X.25 Networking, Sockets
- Java
- Intel Performance Primitives (IPP) library
- Visual BASIC
- Thread X
Drumgrange also specialises in the development of real time systems with embedded software and firmware implemented on microcontrollers, FPGA and DSP devices from the major manufacturers including Xilinx, Altera, Texas Instruments and Analog Devices.
Drumgrange works to Def Stan 05-95 for software development and is certified to ISO 9001-2015 with TickITplus for the development of software systems.