Helpdesk Enquires
Welcome to the Drumgrange Helpdesk Portal, only authorised users are permitted access.
Drumgrange Ltd’s Helpdesk is manned from 8:30 to 4.30 PM, Mon - Fri, excepting bank holidays.
Our online Helpdesk service is also available 24/7 to registered users.
Project specific Support Plans are provided to ensure a clear understanding of the hours of operation, technical contacts, methods of contact and escalation procedures.
All Helpdesk incidents are logged and managed through a ticketing system. Tickets can be tracked by the Customer throughout the resolution process and will be updated by the Drumgrange Support Team with new information as and when it becomes available.
Registered Helpdesk customers can click the link below to access
All Users are reminded that this portal is for OFFICIAL USE only and is continuously monitored.